Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Art Nouveau Brooch

This lovely piece, if not actually from the 1920s, is several decades old and part of some deceased woman's estate.  It is cast brass with copen blue and green cloisonne inserts, interspersed with a number of small blue-green tourmalines around the edge, with a single one in the center, surrounded by rhinestones.  I got this at A Haggle of Vendors (now THERE'S a name for a resale store!), in Grand Junction, Colorado.  My sister, who loves unearthing a forgotten treasure, frequents the place, if not actually haunting it.  (She says, "I sometimes watch Hoarders to keep myself grounded.")  I like this brooch for its departure from my animal bent (in brooches, not behavior).

This brooch is actually quite versatile, since it is such an iconic example of what we think of when we pronounce the word `brooch'.   I have it here on a Ralph Lauren blazer.

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